Synergy Community Blog

Chakras: Exploring the Powerful Energy Wheels Inside and Around Everyone

Chakras: Exploring the Powerful Energy Wheels I...

An explanation of the basics of chakras, as well as each chakra's location, organs, element, color, and qualities.

Chakras: Exploring the Powerful Energy Wheels I...

An explanation of the basics of chakras, as well as each chakra's location, organs, element, color, and qualities.

Bandhas: The Portals of Enlightenment

Bandhas: The Portals of Enlightenment

What are bandhas exactly and how do we engage them? Today we’ll be diving into the mysterious realm of bandhas while dipping our toes into the vast ocean of Kundalini...

Bandhas: The Portals of Enlightenment

What are bandhas exactly and how do we engage them? Today we’ll be diving into the mysterious realm of bandhas while dipping our toes into the vast ocean of Kundalini...